Will you help CPRE protect Wokingham’s green spaces?
Our Wokingham group is looking to recruit volunteers who can help us preserve Wokingham’s open spaces, woodland and farmland.
Wokingham has only a small area of protected Green Belt countryside and is extremely vulnerable to development pressures, especially from commercial housebuilders looking to exploit the borough’s rail links and close proximity to Greater London. So, the local group of the countryside charity, CPRE (the Campaign to Protect Rural England) is looking to recruit volunteers who can help CPRE to preserve Wokingham’s open spaces, woodland and farmland.
There is an urgent need to find new ‘activists’ for the Wokingham CPRE group as the longstanding chairman, Dr Peter Wilford, is retiring from this role after 31 of active campaigning for CPRE in Wokingham. The county Chairman of CPRE Berkshire, Greg Wilkinson, paid tribute to Peter, calling him “a terrific standard-bearer for CPRE” who had been “the leading champion of countryside protection in Wokingham for more than three decades. Now is the time for more people in the borough to follow Peter’s example and ‘step up to the plate’ by volunteering to help run the Wokingham CPRE group.”
So, if you live in the Wokingham area, and care about protecting your local countryside and green spaces, please lend your support to the local CPRE group, who will be working hard to support the countryside for future generations and for the well-being of all those who live in the area. If you think you might be able to help, please contact the CPRE Berkshire Branch office on 0118 930 6756 or email cpreberkshire@btopenworld.com.
Founded in 1926, CPRE Berkshire works to promote, protect and enhance the countryside of the Royal County of Berkshire, primarily through engagement with the planning system and local communities. For information on CPRE’s work in Wokingham and across Berkshire please visit the website www.cpreberkshire.org.uk or follow the charity on Facebook or Twitter.