Green Belt protected in Holyport
Green Belt protected by Appeal Rejection at Lodge Farm, Holyport, near Maidenhead
CPRE Berkshire was delighted by the Planning Inspectorate’s announcement on 16 December 2019 of its dismissal of an Appeal by Beaulieu Homes Southern Limited for its proposal to build on Green Belt land at Holyport, near Maidenhead.
Earlier in the year, CPRE Berkshire joined forces with Bray Parish Council to oppose the planning application by Beaulieu Homes Southern Limited for some 150 houses and community amenities at Lodge Farm, Holyport, located in the Holyport Conservation area and situated in the last remaining Metropolitan Green Belt land between Maidenhead and the village of Holyport.
The planning application was opposed by the Parish Council, CPRE Berkshire, Holyport Residents Association, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM), the local MP and many individual residents, and all referred to the specific guidance on the Green Belt in the National Planning Policy Framework in their objections.
The planning application went to Appeal because RBWM had not given a decision on the application within the prescribed time. RBWM did state however, that their decision would have been to refuse the application and appeared at the hearing with legal representation to oppose the Appeal.
CPRE Berkshire was represented at the Appeal hearing (22-25 October 2019) by Peter Lerner, a Chartered Planning Officer, whose closing statement can be read here.
John Hudson, our Chairman said:
“CPRE Berkshire is delighted that the Inspector rejected the application by Beaulieu Homes Southern Limited and refused planning permission for the site. We’d like to thank Peter Lerner for working on our behalf with Bray Parish Council, and we are extremely pleased that this important area of Green Belt remains protected, thereby preventing the urban spread of Maidenhead coalescing with Holyport.”