CPRE welcomes withdrawal of golf club development plan
CPRE Berkshire has welcomed the withdrawal of the planning application for development at Calcot Park Golf Club which would have meant the loss of a precious local green space, mature trees and wildlife habitats.
Greg Wilkinson, Chairman of CPRE Berkshire, wrote two months ago to West Berkshire Council urging them to reject the application on the basis of harm to the countryside and local biodiversity, pointing out that the district’s Principal Ecologist had warned of the negative impact on wildlife habitats if the development were allowed to go ahead.
CPRE Berkshire is supporting the proposal for the land at Calcot Park to be designated as a Local Green Space within the Tilehurst Parish Neighbourhood Plan so that it can be protected from future development plans.
Mr Wilkinson said: “We are delighted that the planning application has been withdrawn but are concerned that unless Calcot Park is properly protected we might have to face another development scheme in the near future. These sorts of schemes come up all too often, and we must be on our guard.”
He added: “Green spaces such as Calcot Park deserve long-term protection. We have already lost too much of our countryside to inappropriate development in recent years. It is vital that we rally round to defend what’s left.”
Founded in 1926, CPRE Berkshire works to promote, protect and enhance the countryside of the Royal County of Berkshire, primarily through engagement with the planning system and local communities.
For information of CPRE’s work in Berkshire please email cpreberkshire@btopenworld.com, visit the website www.cpreberkshire.org.uk or follow the charity on Facebook or Twitter.