Join our 500 Club

Our 500 Club is a great way to help protect the Berkshire countryside. Open to CPRE members and non-members, it’s a simple and effective scheme to support our work.
Each share in the Club costs £12 and qualifies the owner for 12 monthly draws. Members may buy any number of shares subject to a maximum of 500 shares being in issue at any time. £6 of the share goes back to the participating members in prizes. In addition to 10 ordinary monthly draws there are two jackpot draws.
With 500 shareholders £3000 will be available annually for prizes. You could win up to £500 in a single jackpot draw or up to £100 in an ordinary draw. The size of the prize depends on the number of Club members.
Even if you do not win a prize you can be confident that the other half of your contribution will be used to help protect the Berkshire countryside.
If you would like to join the 500 Club please download and complete the CPRE Berkshire 500 Club Form. For further information please email or call the main office on 0118 930 6756.